AdviceKiwi is a financial advice provider. We are authorised to provide a financial advice service under a license issued by the Financial Markets Authority.
Disclosure Statement
how it works
Compliments & Complaints
At AdviceKiwi, we do all we can to provide you with the best service. We value your feedback, Good or Bad.
If you have a complaint about any aspect of our service, we’ll do our best to resolve your complaint within a fair and reasonable timeframe. In most cases, we hope to be able to resolve the matter with you. In some cases, further investigation may be required.
Here’s how our Complaints Process works
Investigate and Resolve
After we receive your complaint, we will conduct an investigation to resolve your complaint. Depending on the complexity of the complaint, this could take some time. Please allow up to one month for us to review and explore possible resolutions before coming to a final decision on how to proceed.
If a resolution between us cannot be reached, deadlock will be agreed and you will receive a ‘letter of deadlock’. This means that we are unable to take your complaint any further.
What happens in Deadlock?
If we cannot resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you can contact the ‘Financial Disputes Resolutions Service (FDRS)’ which is a free and independent disputes resolution service, designed to resolve complaints between consumers and financial services providers. If we issue a ‘letter of deadlock’, and your complaint is within their jurisdiction, you may be able to refer your complaint to the FDRS, and they will help to investigate or resolve your complaint.
Financial Disputes Resolutions Service
Freepost 231075, PO Box 2272
Wellington 61400508 337 337
If you have a complaint about any aspect of our service, we’ll do our best to resolve your complaint within a fair and reasonable timeframe. In most cases, we hope to be able to resolve the matter with you. In some cases, further investigation may be required.
Here’s how our Complaints Process works
Investigate and Resolve
After we receive your complaint, we will conduct an investigation to resolve your complaint. Depending on the complexity of the complaint, this could take some time. Please allow up to one month for us to review and explore possible resolutions before coming to a final decision on how to proceed.
If a resolution between us cannot be reached, deadlock will be agreed and you will receive a ‘letter of deadlock’. This means that we are unable to take your complaint any further.
What happens in Deadlock?
If we cannot resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you can contact the ‘Financial Disputes Resolutions Service (FDRS)’ which is a free and independent disputes resolution service, designed to resolve complaints between consumers and financial services providers. If we issue a ‘letter of deadlock’, and your complaint is within their jurisdiction, you may be able to refer your complaint to the FDRS, and they will help to investigate or resolve your complaint.
Financial Disputes Resolutions Service
Freepost 231075, PO Box 2272
Wellington 61400508 337 337